California is taking bold actions that mean more students will have access to milk and dairy foods. Governor Newsom’s recent climate package expands the state’s Farm to School program
The West Coast receives top billing in any discussion of ports and dairy exports. Roughly two-thirds of all U.S. dairy exports, on a product-volume basis, leave the United States via the West Coast
In this webinar, Dr. Kirkpatrick will focus on the financial impacts that a high first-test SCC can have on milk production, clinical mastitis rates and cull rates. Spoiler alert: It’s a lot more...
An update on cooling and ventilation for dairy cattlepresented by Nigel Cook, MRCVS, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary MedicineSponsored by Tunnel PlusNigel Cook, MRCVS, Univer
the volatility that dairy markets have experienced over the last several months continues. That’s because the balance between milk supplies and domestic and international demand for dairy products
Evidence continues to mount in favor of folks who eat more dairy fats. The latest research comes from a study involving 4,150 60-year-old Swedish citizens
When people across the world think of Wisconsin, they think of cheese. And for good reason — Wisconsin is The State of Cheese and wins more national and international cheese awards than any other
The national dairy checkoff has sponsored College Aggies Online for several years, and I'm always impressed at how creative and driven the students are to learn and advocate for animal agriculture
The drum beat for renewable energy continues to grow louder throughout North America and Europe. While winds come and go, clouds can place solar panels on pause, and water flowing over dams holds fish
By researching companies beforehand, effectively letting out your nerves, and showing appreciation to recruiters, the career fair can be much more manageable
For only the second time since 1994, domestic cheese sales in the United States fell when compared to the previous year. In both instances, it took an economic shockwave to stop the sales ascent
China is expected to slow their milk powder import needs in the coming months. If other global importers cannot pick up the slack, downside price risk will be rippling through global dairy markets